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Egg has been the gold standard of protein for decades. It's one of the most digestible, bio-available proteins around, with a perfect score on the 'Protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score' used to measure protein quality. This means that after digestion, it provides 100% or more of the indispensable amino acids required per gram.
Egg is what nature relies on to nurture a single cell into a fully formed chick. It has everything you need for growth. We've been eating eggs for millennia, it's the most digestible complete protein source found in nature. Your body doesn't need any special instructions, it knows what to do with it.
If you've tried whey protein, you know it can give your stomach issues. Whey comes from milk, it always has lactose. Egg protein on the other hand is one of the most bio-available proteins in nature. It's the standard used to measure every other protein's digestibility and it's naturally lactose-free.
Most protein powders taste terrible, and who knows what's in them. Do they really have the protein they say they do? What's all that other stuff in there, do you need a PhD just to read the ingredient statement?
Wouldn't you want a better tasting egg white protein? One that actually delivers the protein it says it does? One that has a clean label you can actually understand? With ingredients you can actually pronounce?
Every powder out there claims to be the best tasting and most nutritious. But you've been burned before. You know this is usually just a big exaggeration.
How many unfinished canisters of protein powder have you tossed in the garbage because they taste so awful you can't finish them?
So why should you believe us?Most egg powders are dried at 300F - 390F :( These scorching hot temperatures cook the egg and denature the protein, giving those powders a nasty taste. And if they taste so bad, what's happened to the protein?
We crystallize our Egg White Crystals at no more 120F. Yes, 120F. That's 1/3 the heat other brands use. Our proprietary, low-temperature technology protects the protein and delivers the highest quality egg protein in the world with a clean, fresh taste.
And best of all, we don't blend it with any cheap proteins like some other brands do. We only use egg white... so it's 98% pure egg white protein