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A couple of weeks ago we offered ideas as to what might help you get through the holidays and close out 2020 with a little less stress and a little more peace or joy amid the chaos… As New Year’s Eve approaches and conversations with nutrition clients continue to pick up, I’m reminded continuously of the infamous New Year’s Resolution. I, myself, have been prone to swear off sugar and increase my workouts in hopes of shedding my holiday shell (lbs.). And as 2020 has been wrought with added stress, I imagine plenty of us find ourselves in that same boat. BUT, I charge you all to revolt, to create your own resolution revolution if you will. Let this year be the year we don’t focus solely on restriction and loss – food restriction, weight loss - you know the drill. Let’s turn that practice on its head and focus on adding… adding health into our lives, adding muscle onto our bodies. Are you with me? Here’s how:
Add sleep! Try to increase your rest by 30-60 minutes in 15 min increments every day/week until you reach (consistently) where you should be - 6-8 quality hours. There’s little else that’s better for your overall health, your metabolism, your immunity, mood, hormone balance, cognition…the list goes on. I’m guilty of slacking on sleep and can make up excuses with the best of them, but the bottom line is, if there’s one thing you can do for yourself, start with increasing your zzzzz’s.
This one is pretty straightforward. You know you’re dehydrated, so add a few oz of h20 every hour/day. It’s that simple.
OvaEasy is your resolution partner! When thinking about meal planning and prep, consider OvaEasy Egg in a Cup. It’s our little effort, no mess way to enjoy scrambled eggs. Just add water, microwave, and enjoy. Each cup has 12-13 grams of protein and comes in three tasty flavors. Add this to your breakfast meal plan or even as a snack option, take it to work, and just pop it in the microwave.
OvaEasy Egg Crystals are all natural, whole, dried eggs that taste just like their fresh counterpart, only they have an extra-long shelf life and don’t require refrigeration! Yes, we said whole egg, not just the whites. Remember, the egg yolk is packed with a ton of those micro nutrients I just mentioned - all the good stuff, like folate, iron, vitamins a, b, c, d, potassium, calcium, magnesium and more is contained in the tiny yellow center of the egg. Scramble them or make a quick omelet, and I bet you’ll feel better knowing you’ve really nourished yourself and your family.
If you or yours prefer smoothies (great way to sneak in extra fruits and veggies for the littles), OvaEasy Egg White Protein is the perfect addition to your cupboard. Our protein checks all the boxes: it has all the amino acids needed for muscle recovery/growth, tastes delicious, and mixes well. Whether you’re making a nutritious snack, meal substitute for your family, or trying to hit your macros after a tough workout, it doesn’t hurt to keep a bag or two of this around. It’s my go-to for post workout recovery, helps me hit my protein count, and aids in my ability to build that muscle and strength I talked about earlier.
Wrap up your holiday season/festivities, and let OvaEasy be your resolution revolution partner - Make a New Year’s Day brunch fit for royalty, and impress your family like never before… Try an egg bake or frittata made with our OvaEasy Egg Crystals, and don’t forget to spritz your scones or biscuits with our OvaEasy Egg Wash.
Try a Peppermint Mocha Protein Shake/Frappuccino:
Oh, and peace out 2020, hello 2021!
A little bit about our author:
Kerry is a writer, nutrition coach and consultant. She’s an active runner, skier, triathlete, CrossFitter, and a crazy busy mom of three. She dreams of being able to spend more time outside doing the things she loves with those she loves – hopefully in snow…and eggs of course, she dreams of eggs. This week, Kerry’s drinking her peppermint mochas (hot not cold), working on managing her own resolutions, and practicing what she preaches to her clients. If you have questions for her, let us know - she loves a good question, especially one that has to do with kicking off 2021 right!